Monday, January 19, 2009

The Smallest Skater

Misha played at our neighbors' house last week. After playing trains and painting with the boy, Misha decided he wanted to play dolls with the little girl. They rounded up extra dollies and bottles and cribs and blankets, and Misha practiced playing Big Brother. It looks like he'll do a great job!

Whenever Josh and I start to discuss baby names, Misha chimes in. He has decided on a most unusual name. "I want Puff the Magic Dragon, mom! His name is Puff the Magic Dragon!" This morning, he told me he wants the baby to have TWO names. Puff and Magic Dragon and ... Brudder. :) So, in Misha's ideal world, the baby would be called Puff-the-Magic-Dragon Brudder Kula.

Misha's interest in ice skating has not lessened - we've been at the rink every week - so we decided to enroll him in a preschool ice skating class. It's a cheap, six-week, half-hour class Saturday mornings. He went for the first time this week. When he discovered he was not supposed to take a red support frame, he started to cry and I thought he wasn't even going to try. But after five minutes, he decided he'd rather try it than go home, and he went to the woman with the fluffy pink mittens and cheered up when she said, "Come on, let's march!" There was only one other girl in the class (a lot bigger than Misha) and they did some fun things like drawing on the ice with markers, skating around stuffed animals, and throwing the animals and skating to fetch them. Misha was sad to get off the ice (half an hour is not much compared to the two-hour open skate sessions he's used to), but we returned the next day for open skate. He likes to zoom around using the red support, but he also skated on his own - he's gaining much more control. Here are a few videos of his progress! The rink is a VERY crowded place on the weekends, and Misha impresses all the skaters simply by the fact that he's able to stand up and wobble his way across the rink by himself.

Misha and Daddy
Misha and Mommy
Playing Mommy's guitar
Playing with the very entertaining Marbleworks set - as much fun for parents as for kids!
Time for some good old fashioned fun with blocks

1 comment:

Tanya said...

So it's settled then -- Puff the Magic Dragon. I can stop suggesting names? :)