Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pasledni Zvonok: The Last Bell

May 25 was the last day for school-children in Bishkek. Called Pasledni Zvonok for "last bell" or "last ring," the day is a celebration in which children clean up their school and say goodbye to their school books until fall. In compliance with the dress code, students of public schools wear white shirts and black pants or skirts, and for the last day, girls also wear huge white bows in their hair. After lunch, the streets are filled with carloads of 11th graders cruising the streets and yelling enthusiastically, because they are done with high school - ready to move on to work or university.

That evening, we took the kids down the Ala Too Square in the city center, where crowds of shkolniki (school-age students) were dancing in the fountains. Misha, Sebby, and Alihan were desperate to join in the fun, so who were we to stop them?

Off with the shoes and socks!

Also happening in the ploshad (square) was a celebration of the Kyrgyz military. They performed demonstrations and exhibited military vehicles. However, for the kids, the demonstrations were a clear second to the fun of the fountains!

Before we left, we indulged in ice cream. I absolutely love this picture of Sebby and his shadow.

Since Sebby and Misha are still on the diestki sad (kindergarten/day care) side of things, they didn't have a "last day" party on the 25th. However, Misha finished his podgotovitilni year and graduated - ready to move on to first grade! Photos on the way.

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